週六. 5 月 18th, 2024

Providing employees with a Massage Chair https://maxcareonlineshop.com/en/product-category/massager-en/massage-chair-en/ can boost morale and reduce stress, leading to higher productivity. Installing a chair like this also sends a message that the company cares about employee wellness and mental health.

While they don’t offer the precision of a human hand, massage chairs are able to stroke, knead and knock on key pressure points to increase the production of endorphins that help lower stress levels. They can also promote healthy blood circulation and stimulate healing.

Relieves Stress and Tension

Massage Chairs are a great way to relieve stress and tension. They help to relax tense muscles, improve sleep and boost the immune system. Studies have shown that a massage chair reduces overall stress levels significantly, especially when used regularly. It’s not surprising that more and more people are choosing to invest in one of these relaxing machines.

Having a massage chair in your home allows you to enjoy the benefits of regular therapeutic massage on a much more convenient and affordable scale. Many of these chairs replicate the techniques of shiatsu and Swedish massage, using rollers, airbags and other mechanisms to provide kneading, tapping and other motions that work out tension.

If you suffer from anxiety, a massage chair can also help by stimulating the body’s release of endorphins. Endorphins are your body’s natural “feel good” chemicals and can help to balance your mood and improve your sleep. This is a particularly important benefit during the coronavirus lockdown, when insomnia has skyrocketed for a variety of reasons.

Increases Endorphin Levels

A massage chair can increase the production of endorphins, also known as “joy hormones.” These neurotransmitters run through your body and are associated with a number of benefits, including speedy recovery from injury, lower blood pressure and anxiety, increased energy levels and general well-being.

These ‘happy hormones’ help you relax, fight stress, relieve pain and decrease depression. They boost your immune system and help you focus better.

Research suggests that using a massage chair stimulates the secretion of these hormones without exposing you to close physical contact with another person. A massage chair can do the trick because it has rollers that are designed to stroke, knead and gently knock on key points of your body. It’s a more convenient alternative to getting a massage by hand. Many people are hesitant to get a manual massage because they’re concerned about privacy issues. A massage chair solves this problem and allows you to experience a soothing therapy from the comfort of your own home.

Improves Blood Circulation

A good Massage Chair will have airbags and tilting functions, including the Zero Gravity mode, that help put your body in the optimal position for blood flow. This helps to push your blood along the muscles of your body, easing and relaxing them.

Many people have circulation problems due to restricted arteries, diabetes, smoking, or leading an inactive lifestyle with little movement. These types of things cause a build-up of fats and plaque in the arteries, and they can eventually lead to blood clots that can block blood flow to the heart or brain.

A good massage chair will naturally improve your blood circulation by kneading, punching, squeezing, rolling, and pressing the various muscle groups of your body. This helps coax stale blood away from the muscles, and allows fresh blood to flow back in to distribute beneficial endorphins, loosen fascia, and relieve pain. This can also aid in lowering blood pressure and the heart rate.

Improves Sleep

One of the most surprising benefits that many of our customers experience after owning a Massage Chair is that it improves sleep. This is largely due to the fact that Massage Chairs boost endorphin production which are the body’s natural “feel good” chemicals and help to balance your hormones.

This has been shown to help you fall asleep faster and have a better quality of sleep. It also promotes the production of melatonin, which is the sleep hormone.

However, we do not recommend sleeping for the entire night in your Massage Chair. It would be very uncomfortable for your back and can cause a lot of body aches. If you do decide to take a nap in your massage chair, make sure to set an alarm and go to bed immediately after the session. This will prevent any injuries, and you will be able to get a better quality of sleep. Also, if you have any medical conditions, you should always consult with your doctor before taking any nap in your Massage Chair.

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